A strong athletic program is about more than winning awards. Prairie students learn the value of a healthy lifestyle and begin to develop the proper habits of being “fit for life”. We offer numerous interscholastic options with a full-participation, no-cut policy. Young athletes learn to develop their full potential and use their skills to achieve their own personal best. We offer the following athletic opportunities for students in grades 5-8. (Click below to expand each section.)
Intramural only teams:
- 5th – 8th grade Coed Golf * Saturday morning only
Interscholastic Competition Teams:
- 5th – 8th grade Coed Cross Country
- 6th – 8th Boys’ Soccer * Note, expect additional practices.
- 5th – 8th Girls’ Volleyball * Note, expect additional practices.
The fall season runs from late August through October. Practice, competition schedules and season end dates vary by sport and team. Schedules are published late August and are subject to change.
- 5th – 8th grade Boys’ Basketball
- 5th – 8th grade Girls’ Basketball
Practice and game schedules are published on the Athletics Calendar as soon as they are made available. Schedules are subject to change.
Intramural Teams:
- 5th – 8th Grade Coed Tennis
- 5th – 8th Grade Coed Golf *Saturday Morning Only
Interscholastic Competition Teams:
- 5th – 8th Grade Coed Track
- 6th – 8th Girls’ Soccer * Note, expect additional practices.
The spring season runs from April through May with practices on Mondays and Wednesdays unless otherwise noted.
Please visit the “Parent Information” section of our website to locate eligibility and registration information.